Thursday, April 17, 2008

Algae Oil Classification

300 000 water-plants are known approximately kinds, which are incorporated in a few in types:

Zalalges (Chlorophyta) are diffused mainly in fresh waters. They contain green hromatoforus, what creates in assimilation motion starch.
Nevienadvicaini (Xanthophyta).
Kramalges, diatomejas (Bacillariophyta) there is mainly viensunu organisms, which meet in seas, in fresh waters and in soil. Their casing is from pektinvielam, what cover flint lids. Additional pigment are diatomins, an assimilation product is butter. Kramalgu DNS contain genetic instructions urea cycle, I.e., processes, what regulates nitrogen utillize and take out. This process gives advantages kramalgem in water with low nitrogen maintenance.[1]
Brunalges (Phaeophyta) there are multicellular plants, meet almost unique in seas. The paint of this water-plants mainly depends from an additional pigment - fukoksnatina. An assimilation product is laminarins.
Sartalges (Rhodophyta) also there are mainly seas grew. The most characteristic pigments - fikoeritins (fire) whether fikocians (will turn blue). An assimilation product is florideju starch.
Zilalges (Cyanophyta) grow in all waters - gan in puddles, gan in oceans, but visbiezak in fresh waters. Meet also on soils and many kerpju in laponi. In a summer zilalges often are a water "flower" reason. Unlike the types of parejiem water-plants, them is not limited kernel and hromatoforu. The most characteristic pigment is fikocians.
Vicaini (Flagellatae) there is a special type of water-plants, is as though on a border between the states of plants and animals. Mobile one-celled and organisms of colonies, which propagates oneself often create "flower" of waters. Sometimes decompose vicainus in 3 types: hrizofitos (Chrysophyta), pirofitos (Pyrrophyta) and eiglenofitos (Euglenophyta).

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